Our Ethos and Values
Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Primary School, Southport.
On behalf of the pupils, parents, staff and governors I would like to extend, to you and your family, a warm welcome to Holy Family Catholic Primary School. We are very proud of our nurturing environment here at school; encouraging all children to reach their full potential and celebrating the uniqueness of us all.
Holy Family is a school that our children, staff, parents and governors are proud of. We strive to promote the values of faith throughout our daily life. We provide a religious syllabus, which develops our children's knowledge and understanding of our faith while providing a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum that develops the potential of all our pupils.
Meeting the needs of children, inspiring a love of challenging learning and aspiring to Christian values, can best be achieved by close co-operation between home, school and parish. Without the involvement of parents, our task is that much more difficult and less enjoyable. Therefore, we hope that parents will take a close interest in what their children are doing in school and encourage and support their child's learning.
Here at Holy Family, we are constantly striving to improve our school to provide the best possible safe, nurturing, learning environment for your children.
Code of Conduct
Respect ourselves, each other and our environment
Keep ourselves and each other safe
Listen to each other and talk through our problems
Take responsibility for our actions
Go for green in all that we do
Our most recent OFSTED visit (June 2024) stated that we are a GOOD school. The report commented that:
- Pupils enjoy being part of this happy and diverse school community. They help everyone to feel welcome and valued in their school.
- Relationships between adults and pupils are warm and nurturing. Pupils feel safe. They know that staff are there to listen and support them if they have any worries.
- Pupils are respectful and polite to one another and to staff and visitors.
- Pupils benefit from a wide range of activities beyond the academic curriculum. This helps to develop their talents and interests.
- Reading is at the heart of the school’s curriculum.
- Pupils who are at the early stages of learning to read, or who speak English as an additional language, receive the support that they need to become successful readers.
- The school accurately identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND as soon as possible. Staff tailor learning activities well to meet pupils’ needs. This ensures that pupils with SEND can access the same curriculum content as their peers and achieve well.
- Children quickly develop confidence and independence. Pupils across the school behave well.
- The school is committed to broadening pupils’ horizons. Pupils learn about different faiths and beliefs. They understand fundamental British values and they know to be tolerant and respectful.
- Pupils learn important information about online safety, healthy lifestyles and how to keep themselves safe.
Our RE Inspection (2019– Archdiocese of Liverpool), which deemed us
as remaining as ‘an OUTSTANDING Catholic school’ commented on:
- Pupils truly appreciate, value and actively participate in the Catholic Life at Holy Family. They know, own and live out their Mission Statement, ‘Living, loving and learning as followers of Jesus Christ,’ every day. ·
- Pupils show a deep respect for themselves and others as made in the image and likeness of God. The behaviour of pupils is exemplary.
- Pupils enthusiastically embrace the demands that being members of the school community entails such as becoming school and eco councillors, prefects, buddies, play leaders, worship warriors and welcome ambassadors.
- Pupils take full advantage of the opportunities the school provides for their personal support and development. They have an outstanding sense of belonging and are proud of their school. As a result, they are happy, confident and secure in their own stage of physical, emotional and spiritual growth.
Miss Hilton