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Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

Living, Loving, Learning as followers of Jesus Christ




Our whole school Attendance target is 96.5%.


If your child is too ill to attend school you must notify the office as soon as possible, and then each day that they are ill. You can do this by telephone or email.


If your child is late for school they must be brought in through the office and the adult with them must sign them in.


Holidays during the school year are not allowed and will not be authorised. Penalty notices may be issued if your child is absent without permission. Please check the term dates and our attendance policy before booking any holidays. If you need to take your child out of school please address your written request to Miss Hilton. Any absence school have not been informed about in writing will be unauthorised.

Attendance and punctuality are monitored weekly. Parents will be contacted by letter, if their child's attendance and/or punctuality falls below the expected standard and further monitoring will take place if there is no improvement. This may eventually lead to the serving of a penalty notice.
