Welcome to Year 4’s Class page!
Please visit us regularly as we will keep this page updated with all the latest news and goings on.
Introducing the Staff:
Class Teachers – Mr Davies and Miss Veevers (Tuesday AM)
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Scott and Mr Hassall
Volunteers – Mrs Williams (Tuesday AM), Mr Rimmer (Tues, Wednesday AM, once a month).
How to support your child at home:
Daily Reading – It’s really important that your child reads regularly, at least 3 times per week for at least 15 minutes. Please use the green reading record book to record comments and return to school every Friday. Record books will be checked, and where applicable changed, and given back out every Friday.
Spellings - will be given out each week and will be tested every Friday. Please see the Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 statutory spelling lists, which are in addition to the weekly spellings. The national expectation is that children can spell all of those words by the end of their time at Holy Family alongside the words learnt each week that follow a spelling pattern or rule.
Maths basic skills – each week there will be the minimum expectation that children go onto TT Rockstars for at least 30 minutes as part of their ongoing homework. Children need to know all tables up to x12 in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4. This multiplication knowledge, as well as the related division facts, will also feed into their Y4 maths curriculum work.
Things to remember: