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Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

Living, Loving, Learning as followers of Jesus Christ

Catholic Life and Mission

Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Primary School where Christ is at the centre of all we do as we follow our Mission Statement of


'Living, Loving and Learning as Followers of Jesus Christ'.


We hope this page gives you a flavour of some of the many activities, events and celebrations in which we take part throughout the year within school, parish the wider community and God's global family. With Gospel Values rooted in our curriculum and beyond we hope to shape each child in the unique image and true likeness of God as we prepare our pupils for their lifelong journey steeped in their Christian beliefs.



Holy Family is an outstanding school in providing Catholic Education (RE Inspection February 2019)


The quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the school is outstanding.

Leaders and governors are outstanding in promoting, monitoring and evaluating the

provision for the Catholic Life of the school.

The extent to which pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in Religious Education is outstanding.

 (RE Inspection February 2019)
