What is an Eco-School?
Holy Family Catholic Primary school is extremely proud of the passionate and innovative
pupils that make up our Eco-Schools Council.
Eco-schools is made up of a team of enthusiastic pupils keen to take responsibility for looking
after our environment; whether that be school, local community or our global family. The pupils are
committed to taking part in many initiatives to ensure our school looks after ourselves and our environment
in as many ways as possible. This is a commitment that the children take seriously and willingly give up
their lunch times to share ideas and meet with other eco committee members.
At the start of every academic year, in Years 2 to 6, children who would like to be a member of the
Eco-schools prepare and present a short speech to their class outlining their suitability for the position.
Children then take part in a democratic vote and 2 or 3 representatives are elected from each class.
Meetings are held every fortnight and issues relating to school, the wider community and supporting international causes are discussed. Our Eco-School leader is Mrs Carey.
Congratulations to our Eco-school Representatives
for 2024-2025:
Y2: Otis R
Y3: Natan S
Y4: Penny T
Y5: Mina B
Y6: Grace C