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Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

Living, Loving, Learning as followers of Jesus Christ


What is a Buddy?


The buddy system is designed to increase social interaction and appropriate play amongst our new children in Reception. Each of our Reception children, have a Y6 buddy. The Y6 buddies can help the Reception children around school so that they don’t get lost, help them to remember the rules and procedures of routines, help at playtimes and lunchtimes… their familiar face in school.


It is also a nice way to give children experience in learning how to play together, how to compromise, and ways to teach others how to play with toys safely and with turn-taking.


At our June new intake meeting, our Y5 children (soon to be Y6), will have been allocated a new Reception child for September. Each of our new children will receive a hand written letter from their buddy - introducing themselves and introducing them to school. Throughout the year, the children will get lots of opprtunities to do things together: lunches together, play session in class together, reading sessions together and lots, lots more!
